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Immanuel Lutheran

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Our Vision Statement “Eternal Salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ, is God’s goal for all people”

The Holy Spirit makes us Christians by giving us faith through the means of grace -- that is, through God's holy word and sacraments. He keeps us Christians by reconnecting us to God's grace as needed throughout our lives. This is what happens in church. We are a family, with Jesus Christ as our brother and his heavenly Father as ours as well. We are members of a body, with Christ himself as our head. We belong to a worldwide community as well as a local congregation. There are no solo Christians. God gives us each other because he knows we need each other almost as much as we need him. "Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!" 2 Corinthians 9:15


Saturdays: 5:30 pm 

Sundays: 9:00 am (June - Aug)

Sundays: 10:00 am (Sept - May)


First and third Sundays and also the fifth Sunday if there is a fifth Sunday that month. Saturday communion is on the Saturday immediately before the Sunday communion.


Adult Bible study is held on Sundays in the church basement and is led by Pastor Wood at 9:00am 


Sunday school is held at Immanuel Luthern School on Sundays at 9 AM, August through May and coincides with the school dates.




Immanuel helps support Missionary Jamielynn (Tinkey) Flores and her husband Rafael through special offerings and chapel offerings. Jamielynn is the sister of Immanuel's teacher Elizabeth (Tinkey) Guest.


Immanuel helps support Missionary Rev. Dr. John (Hans) through special offerings and chapel offerings. Rev. Dr. John (Hans) Trinklein is a former pastor of Immanuel’s sister congregation Olive Branch Lutheran Church in Frogtown.




What it is:

A group of women dedicated to both practical and spiritual service within the congregation. Membership is open to women communicant members of any age.

What it does:

Members help keep the chancel and its furnishings beautiful to aid the worshippers who come into God's house. They care for the brass, linens, sacred vessels and vestments, and place the candles, the flowers, and the Holy Communion vessels.

To assist them in their service, they learn about various forms of worship, seasons of the church year, liturgical terms, Christian symbols, the use of candles, etc.

Special services of the Altar Guild have included the making of baptismal towels, designing and constructing some banners, and sewing several sets of paraments.

The Altar Guild was organized on February 12, 1969.


The Ladies Aid was organized on January 9, 1921. All ladies of the congregation who hold communicant membership within the congregation are eligible for membership.

They meet the first Wednesday of the month in the church basement. They also quilt in the church basement on each Wednesday afternoon.

Patterned Fabrics


The mission of Immanuel LWML is to assist each woman of the congregation in affirming her relationship to the Triune God, so that she is enabled to serve her community, her local congregation, and the Church at large, through the sharing of the Word of God and by fostering Christian fellowship and charity.

The LWML as an auxiliary of the Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod, exists to develop and to maintain a greater mission consciousness among the women of Synod through Mission Education, Mission Inspiration, and Mission Service.

The LWML also exists to gather funds for mission projects either directly sponsored or approved by Synod, especially when no adequate provisions have been made in the budget.

Immanuel LWML members have a meeting every month except for June, July and August. They collect mites’ offerings during the meeting to be sent to Synod for missions. They also sponsor a Prayer Circle for prayers of Immanuel members and relatives of members in times of illness, or with other problems. They collect food for the needy on Thanksgiving Day and for Concordia Seminary Food Bank. Members attend different workshops, prayer services, rallies, retreats, and conventions. These dedicated members have developed a greater mission consciousness among the women of Immanuel through topic studies, prayers, Bible study groups, Scripture readings, and many local, district, and international projects.


The Men's Club was organized on February 13, 1951. From the very beginning the club associated itself with the International Lutheran Laymen's League and on May 15, 1951, was presented with its charter. Over the years they have contributed or purchased items and helped construct many projects. For years they had a float in the Okawville Wheat Festival. During the fall they host a Chili and Pie Supper.

An Endowment Fund was established in 1983 to provide tuition assistance for students attending Immanuel Lutheran School. At present they put up the Christmas Nativity display by church, and various trips or social events each year.



The Alumni & Friends organization was formed in 2006 as a group that would solicit donations and host fundraising events to benefit Immanuel Lutheran School. The group actively supports community events, participating in the Heritage Days Okawville Community Yard Sale, the Okawville Chamber Of Commerce Chili Cook-Off and the annual Okawville Country Christmas Stroll. Numerous other events and meals have been held throughout the history of the organization. The Alumni & Friends Association is a member of the Okawville Chamber Of Commerce. 


The organization is made up of members of Immanuel Lutheran Church and sister congregations, alumni from the school, and supporters from across the area.


The Alumni & Friends Board is always looking for new ideas for projects that would benefit the school. Your suggestions will be welcomed. The board works diligently to use good stewardship in the raising, and spending of funds. The group utilizes the Thrivent Action Team program for most of their events. All donations and volunteer hours are very much appreciated!  


Information Coming Soon!



Chairman: Jeff Jacobs

Vice Chairman: Chris Rennegarbe

Treasurer: Angie Kampwerth  


Secretary: Jackie Bening

Board of Elders

Kent Helbig

Mike Jacobs

Dennis Pruehsner

Jonathan Schneider  

Board of Parish Education

Erin Kurtz

Allison Dunn

Krissy Schneider

Cemetary Committee

Larry Kuhlengel

Brent Schneider

Glen Schuetz

Mark Schneider

Board of Trustees


John Elliott

Bryce Kolweier


Braden Meyer

Board of Parochial Education

Chairman: Ken Storck Jr.

Vice- Chair: Gary Streuter

Secretary: Lindsey Langenfeld 

Member: Donna Davis

Member:  Mark Rennegarbe

Stewardship Board

Jayne Kolweier

Debbie Guest                                                                                  

Barbara Croessman

Finance Committee

Connor Obermeier

Whitney Heyde

Cameron Obermeier

Malinda Weeke

Auditing Committee

Kristal Jacobs

Mollie Bergmann

Jim Unverfehrt

Youth Counselors

Pam Hundelt

Morgan Kampwerth

Alexis Kampwerth

Mollie Bergmann

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