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“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (Matthew 18:20). So says our Lord Jesus, who is also called Immanuel, meaning God with us. God has indeed been with Immanuel, whose house of worship was dedicated in July 1908 to provide a place of worship for the Lutherans who lived in Okawville in a time when travel was difficult. Having a church in town made it easier to gather without having to travel to the nearest rural congregations like Ebenezer or Olive Branch. What matters most is that God is with us as the Giver around whose gifts we gather. He gives us forgiveness, life, and salvation through his Word and Sacraments. We respond with words and deeds of thanks and praise.


Right from the start, Immanuel established a parochial school to provide a Christ-centered education in and for this community. Students from preschool through eighth grade benefit from its outstanding programs which prepare them for life, both here and in eternity. Our school enjoys full accreditation under the high standards of National Lutheran School Accreditation. Our students use their God-given abilities to achieve academic success and athletic achievement. Since the beginning of this century, Immanuel has also operated the Wee Care, a Christian childcare facility that provides before and after school care to school-aged children as well as full-day childcare for children aged fifteen months and up.


In our community and in our church, hard work is highly valued. We also know the value of resting on God’s promises, so that we are refreshed and renewed to do our daily work in the world. “We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). We remain works in progress; God isn’t finished with us yet. “He who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).


Pastor Eric Wood Immanuel Lutheran Church.jpg

Pastor Eric Wood
Immanuel Lutheran Church

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Mr. Edward Bower

Mrs. Cheri Kurtz Wee Care Director.jpg

Mrs. Cheri Kurtz
Wee Care Director

Ms. Taiya Bergmann, Wee Care Director Qualified.jpg

Ms. Taiya Bergmann
Wee Care Director Qualified

Mrs. Courtney Sprehe, Pre- School Teacher.jpg

Mrs. Courtney Sprehe
Pre- School Teacher

Ms. Jody Liszweski, Kindergarten Teacher, Lead Teacher, Vacancy Principal.jpg

Ms. Jody Liszweski
Kindergarten Teacher

Mrs. Kelli Borrenpohl, 7th- 8th Grade Teacher.jpg

Mrs. Kelli Borrenpohl
7th- 8th Grade Teacher

Mrs. Elizabeth Guest, 1st- 2nd Grade Teacher.jpg

Mrs. Elizabeth Guest
1st- 2nd Grade Teacher

Mrs. Brianna Recker 3rd- 4th Grade Teacher.jpg

Mrs. Brianna Recker
3rd- 4th Grade Teacher

Mr. Joe Kirby 5th- 6th Grade Teacher.jpg

Mr. Joe Kirby
5th- 6th Grade Teacher

Pastor Arthur Eichhorn St. Salvator Lutheran Church Venedy, sister congregation.jpg

Pastor Arthur Eichhorn
Chapel and Music Program Assistant

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Mrs. Betty Hasheider Financial Officer

Mrs. Janet Lange, Secretary.jpg

Mrs. Janet Lange

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