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Immanuel Lutheran

Immanuel Okawvile White_edited.png

Our mission is to prepare students for life here and in eternity.

Our Vision Statement “Eternal Salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ, is God’s goal for all people”


We prepare pre-school through eighth-grade students for life here through our excellent, high-quality education.


This can be seen in our consistently high standardized test results. Accredited through the National Lutheran School Accreditation, and State Recognized, we have met rigorous standards and continue to achieve our goals of constant improvement. Biblical principles are taught, caught, and reinforced daily to nurture our students in their faith and in their relationships. Preparing students for eternity is a big part of the Immanuel experience. Integration of the faith in all subjects, having weekly worship services, daily devotions and Bible study set this school apart from secular education. The small class sizes lend themselves to a family atmosphere and close community experience. Even as the name of our school implies, God is with us.


Registration occurs before the end of the school year allowing Immanuel to know how many students we will have for the next school year. This allows us to purchase materials and books at a lower price, we will also hold another registration and open house before the start of the new school year. Students may enroll at any time, but it is preferred to enroll during formal registration times. Registration will be advertised in the Washington County News, on our Facebook page and in the church bulletin and newsletter. 


  • Immanuel’s tuition is well below the average tuition

  • The Southern Illinois District’s tuition statistic for 2021-2022 was $3,492 for a non- member

  • Immanuel’s tuition rates start at $2,662 for non- member

  • We offer discounted tuition for first and second year non-Lutheran families, discounted tuition for members of Immanuel and Immanuel’s sister congregations Olive Branch and St. Salvator

  • There is tuition assistance available through the S.A.F.E Fund (Scholarship Assistance For Education) funded by personal and organization donations, please do not hesitate to contact the school office regarding application for S.A.F.E funds

  • Tuition payments may be made monthly , broken down to nine payments, or may be paid lump sum.

  • You may print the registration form, mail or bring to the school office.



  • Boys "A" Team Basketball 8th grade, 7th and 6th if qualified

  • Boys "B" Team Basketball 7th and 6th grades

  • Girls "A" Team Basketball 8th grade, 7th, 6th and 5th if qualified

  • Girls "B" Team Basketball 7th, 6th and 5th grades

  • Boys "A" Team PeeWee Basketball 5th and 4th grades, 3rd grade depending on student participation

  • Boys "B" Team PeeWee Basketball 4th and 3rd grades

  • Girls "A" Team PeeWee Basketball 5th and 4th grades, 3rd grade depending on student participation

  • Girls "B" Team  PeeWee Basketball, 4th and 3rd grades

  • Baseball, 8th, 7th, 6th grades, 5th depending on student participation

  • Softball 8th, 7th, 6th grades, 5th depending on student participation

  • Girls "A" Team Volleyball 8th, grade, 7th 6th, 5th if qualified

  • Girls "B" Team Volleyball 7th 6th and 5th grades

  •  Girls C Team Volleyball 6th and 5th grades

  • Cross Country 8th, 7th, 6th, 5th grades, 4th depending on coach

  • Track 8th, 7th, 6th, and 5th grades, 4th depending on coach

  • Little Dribblers Basketball 2nd and 1st grades

  • Golf 8th and 7th grades


School children have the opportunity to sing periodically throughout the school year at our church and neighboring Luthern churches, various events such as at the Christmas Stroll, and also the Sunday following Lutheran Schools Week. Those students that participate in a set number of choir events will get to enjoy a special choir field trip.

School choir.jpg


Immanuel's Parent-Teacher League (PTL) was formed in 1962 with the theme of promoting a One-ness in Christ. This policy was stated as follows:

A One-ness in Christ in our children! All children of Immanuel Lutheran School daily experience the love and forgiveness that God has given to them through the Savior Jesus Christ. Promote that One-ness with Christ by discussing the school day with your children and by having family devotions to highlight their learning day.

A One-ness in Christ in our parents! All parents of Immanuel Lutheran School have a One-ness in Christ through the fact that they are using our educational facility for the purpose of helping their children learn about God's plan of salvation. This One-ness can be promoted by including all parents in activities through the PTL. You must be there to help promote the One-ness throughout the year.

A One-ness in Christ is our faculty! Obviously, the members of our faculty have dedicated themselves to the purpose of giving your children a better understanding of their Savior. Let us keep this purpose in mind as we struggle with the everyday problems of training up our children in the way they should go. Keep Christ in sight as the ultimate goal for all of our efforts.

The PTL goals are to help parents and school staff work together in the Christian training of the children. To this end, the PTL has presented topics at meetings dealing with how children learn not only from teachers, but also from everyone else around them, how children's minds develop between kindergarten and the eighth grade, and how parents and teachers must keep children from getting involved with drugs and alcohol.

Many different fundraisers are held during the years, including the PTL Breakfast in March and the Kabob Stand at the Wheat Festival.

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